Category Archives: Residential


6.37 KW
Enphase Microinverter PV
Rail-less Mounting;
MERI volunteer build

“Greg has been an absolute delight to deal with! I met him at a Monadnock Energy Resource Initiative meeting in March 2014. I was very impressed with both his knowledge of the business, and even more so by his easy going demeanor. 


2.5 KW
Residential Solar
Enphase Microinverter
PV Custom Mounting structure
Customer helped build
Peterborough, NH


11.76 KW
Residential Solar
East/West Enphase Microinverter PV
Rail-less Mounting
Tyngsboro, MA

“As of yesterday we hit [Greg’s] original estimate of 11.3 MWh within a year. We have 6 days to spare before the anniversary of the system being approved, which means we’ll probably be closer to 11.5 in the end. Very impressive!”
— Stephen Keumurian, Tyngsboro, MA

Van Buren Apts.

Residential Solar
Rail-less Mounting
Fronius Inverter
Hancock, NH


Residential Solar
Rail-less Mounting
Fronius Inverters
Hancock, NH